ISG INSIGHTS: Unveiling the New Horizons of Technology Sourcing and Disruptive Innovation
Date & Time
Wednesday, December 11, 2024, 1:30 PM - 1:45 PM
Dr. Daniel Gerster

Dominated by digital advancements, businesses are compelled to evolve rapidly to match the pace set by digital natives. While trends like high-performance computing and AI hold the promise of reshaping organizational landscapes, the ongoing challenge persists: securing significant upfront capital amid economic constraints, despite the continued imperative for business transformation. The following presentation will spotlight strategies for identifying and evaluating disruptive technologies, crucial elements for sustaining business success in a rapidly evolving technological landscape. By integrating insights on innovation alongside cutting-edge sourcing strategies, this session offers a comprehensive roadmap for navigating the complexities of modern technology-enabled business transformations.

Accelerating Digital Transformation Through Emerging Technology Sourcing