11 & 12 December, 2024  |  Paris

View the Agenda

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

8:00 AM
- 9:00 AM

Register, connect, and grab a bite with fellow peers. 

9:00 AM
- 9:10 AM

Join our conference chair for an inspiring welcome, as we kick off two days of innovation and collaboration.

9:10 AM
- 9:30 AM

As cloud technologies continue to evolve at a rapid pace, they are reshaping the landscape of IT sourcing and procurement. The following session explores how the cloud revolution is driving a fundamental transformation in sourcing strategies, presenting both challenges and opportunities for procurement professionals. We'll dive into emerging trends such as multi-cloud environments, serverless computing, and AI-powered cloud services, examining their impact on traditional sourcing models. We take it a step further to reveal how these innovations are enabling more agile, scalable, and cost-effective procurement processes, while also introducing new considerations in vendor management, security, and compliance. Join us to gain insights into adapting your sourcing approach to leverage the full potential of cloud technologies, ensuring your organization stays ahead in this dynamic digital ecosystem.

9:35 AM
- 10:05 AM

With relentless innovation, the integration of AI, and shifting market dynamics, modern enterprises are increasingly recognizing the need for a strategic sourcing blueprint to navigate complexities and capitalize on opportunities effectively. Such a blueprint is essential in today's business environment, where success hinges on the ability to mitigate risks, optimize supplier relationships, and enhance operational efficiency. Join us as we uncover the critical components of a successful sourcing blueprint, diving headfirst into the transformative potential of advanced IT sourcing methodologies, empowering organizations not just to survive, but to flourish.

10:10 AM
- 10:40 AM

The retail landscape is once again on the brink of transformation, and this time, it's powered by the revolutionary capabilities of AI. In the wake of previous industry shifts like the dawn of ecommerce and the challenges posed by a global pandemic, it's clear that embracing transformative technologies is not just advantageous but imperative for staying relevant. In the following session, we explore why AI offers a beacon of hope for retailers seeking innovative solutions to meet evolving and demanding consumer expectations. From delivering real-time responses and seamless omnichannel experiences to enhancing internal productivity and employee satisfaction, generative AI is primed to redefine and shape the future of retail in 2024 and beyond.

10:40 AM
- 11:00 AM

Stretch your legs, mingle and participate in hands-on demonstrations of innovative and cutting-edge technologies that are helping to shape the future of business.

11:00 AM
- 11:15 AM

Maximizing the efficacy of strategic partnerships and services stands as a cornerstone of business evolution. But how can you elevate experience, value, and governance to ensure optimal outcomes in your business relationships? In the following session, you’ll learn the art of conducting thorough assessments to diagnose the health of your partnerships, workforce experiences, and shared services. Additionally, we'll outline actionable strategies aimed at optimizing leadership alignment and cultivating a culture of collaboration within your organization. Leave equipped with the insights and tools needed to drive lasting value and success in your strategic endeavors.

11:20 AM
- 11:50 AM

In the intricate landscape of IT procurement, success isn't a solo act; it's an orchestrated symphony of strategic alliances. In the following session, we explore how to cultivate enduring relationships that lead to sustainable growth. From uncovering the power of robust partner ecosystems to leveraging AI-driven insights in selecting and cultivating symbiotic relationships with vendors, suppliers, and strategic partners, this session is your blueprint to collaborative sourcing excellence. These alliances aren't just about transactions; they're about fostering innovation and positioning your organization at the forefront of collaborative success. 

11:55 AM
- 12:25 PM

In a world where innovation is the currency of progress, navigating the dynamic terrain of technology sourcing demands a seismic shift in how we evaluate suppliers and structure contracts. With AI increasingly driving these changes, the stakes are higher than ever, and the traditional playbook is no longer enough. From decoding the intricacies of supplier evaluation in an era dominated by transformative technologies to crafting contracts that not only mitigate risks but also harness AI's potential to fuel innovation, this session is your passport to the cutting edge of sourcing strategies.

12:25 PM
- 1:30 PM

Grab a bite and take the opportunity to join a roundtable discussion and delve into a deeper discussion around selected topics with fellow attendees.

1:30 PM
- 1:45 PM

Dominated by digital advancements, businesses are compelled to evolve rapidly to match the pace set by digital natives. While trends like high-performance computing and AI hold the promise of reshaping organizational landscapes, the ongoing challenge persists: securing significant upfront capital amid economic constraints, despite the continued imperative for business transformation. The following presentation will spotlight strategies for identifying and evaluating disruptive technologies, crucial elements for sustaining business success in a rapidly evolving technological landscape. By integrating insights on innovation alongside cutting-edge sourcing strategies, this session offers a comprehensive roadmap for navigating the complexities of modern technology-enabled business transformations.

1:50 PM
- 2:20 PM

Modern business success requires modern thinking, and the integration of AI is reshaping traditional IT sourcing practices, presenting a paradigm shift in how businesses optimize operations and foster innovation. Historically centered on cost reduction and accessing specialized skills, IT sourcing now embraces AI to unlock unprecedented efficiency and creativity. In sourcing specific AI technologies, businesses can unlock tailored solutions, optimize processes, and gain a competitive edge. The pressing question arises: which AI technology best suits my business needs? Join us as we reveal how to adeptly source the very best solutions, empowering businesses with enhanced efficiency, innovation, and value creation.

2:25 PM
- 2:40 PM

Join us on a transformative exploration of how digital technologies are reshaping sourcing and procurement processes. From the integration of AI to the transparency brought by blockchain and the agility of cloud-based solutions, discover innovative strategies to revamp your supply chain management. This session illuminates the path from supplier discovery to contract negotiation, showcasing how automation and advanced technologies enhance efficiency, reduce manual efforts, and elevate overall operational effectiveness.

2:40 PM
- 3:00 PM

These sessions provide hands-on demonstrations of innovative and cutting-edge technologies that are helping to shape the future of business. 

3:00 PM
- 3:15 PM

Achieving the delicate equilibrium between transformation and cost optimization is paramount for growth. However, strategies for achieving cost optimization, particularly within the realm of IT sourcing, is easier said than done. In the following session, we explore how transformation plays a pivotal role in optimizing costs over the long term. From increasing agility and velocity, to eliminating technical debt and reducing overall operation costs, we uncover practical strategies for navigating the complexities of modern sourcing challenges and unlock opportunities for transformation-driven cost optimization.

3:20 PM
- 3:50 PM

In today's fast-paced digital era, organisations face an ever-increasing pressure to optimise their IT costs while delivering optimal performance and maintaining competitiveness. However, navigating the complexities of IT expenditure often feels like conducting a symphony without a score. The struggle to identify cost-saving opportunities and streamline operations can leave businesses feeling out of tune with their financial objectives. In the following session, we uncover the art of IT cost takeout - a strategic imperative for organisations seeking to harmonize their IT spending with business goals. From identifying cost pain points and streamlining processes to leveraging innovative technology solutions, we'll explore its profound impact on organisational efficiency and profitability. 


3:55 PM
- 4:25 PM

Organisations today face mounting pressure to streamline IT expenditures while maximizing value — a daunting challenge that requires a delicate balance of strategic foresight and operational efficiency. As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, IT budgets have become increasingly complex, fraught with hidden costs and inefficiencies that threaten to undermine organisational growth and competitiveness. From rising cloud expenses to escalating software licensing fees, the modern IT landscape presents a myriad of challenges that demand innovative solutions. The following panel will unravel the art of sustainable IT cost optimisation, offering invaluable insights and practical strategies for achieving cost efficiency without compromising on quality or performance. We delve into key topics such as total cost of ownership (TCO) analysis, IT investment prioritisation, and performance benchmarking — essential pillars of informed decision-making in today's cost-conscious environment.

4:30 PM
- 5:25 PM

Visionary entrepreneurs will take the stage to showcase their innovative solutions, delivering pitches on why their technology is best and how it will add the most value to businesses today. Following some tough questions from our judges, the audience will have their chance to vote on which technology they are more likely to implement within their own organizations. Who will emerge victorious in this startup challenge?

5:30 PM
- 5:35 PM

Conclude the day with the chairman's recap and closing remarks, setting the stage for an exciting day two!

5:35 PM
- 6:30 PM

Unwind with light fare and drinks as we conclude the day's sessions.

6:30 PM
- 8:30 PM

Thursday, December 12, 2024

8:00 AM
- 9:00 AM

Start your day off right with a tasty breakfast to fuel both your body and your mind!

9:05 AM
- 9:15 AM

Welcome to Day 2 as our chairman sets the tone for another day of insights, collaboration, and inspiration.

9:20 AM
- 9:40 AM

Procurement is evolving from a traditional cost center into a strategic powerhouse that drives innovation and competitive edge. In the following session, we'll reveal how AI and advanced analytics are reshaping procurement processes and what the future holds. Discover future-proof IT sourcing strategies that align with executive objectives, enhance supply chain resilience, and harness cutting-edge technologies for sustained growth. Position your organization for long-term success with insights into transforming procurement for tomorrow's challenges.

9:45 AM
- 10:15 AM

In a new economic era characterized by volatility, regionalization, and technological disruption, procurement emerges as a strategic linchpin for organizations seeking to navigate uncertainties and unlock sustainable growth opportunities. From harnessing AI to rethinking talent and sourcing, we uncover actionable strategies for building agile procurement organizations of the future. Procurement's evolving role in fostering innovation and sustainability positions it as a dynamic force for value creation.

10:20 AM
- 10:40 AM

Stretch your legs, mingle and participate in hands-on demonstrations of innovative and cutting-edge technologies that are helping to shape the future of business.

10:45 AM
- 11:00 AM

From emerging technologies to shifting regulatory landscapes, numerous factors impact effective procurement contracts. How can you best equip yourself with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate these complexities and mitigate risks? This session will explore best practices for structuring contracts to align with business objectives, manage costs, and drive value. Additionally, we’ll examine how AI and other emerging technologies are enhancing contract management by providing insights into technological developments, increasing flexibility and scalability, and integrating sustainability and ethical considerations into sourcing agreements.

11:05 AM
- 11:35 AM

As technology rapidly evolves, sourcing and IT professionals are navigating significant changes. From leveraging advanced AI and automation to embracing industry-specific clouds and B2B subscription models, procurement strategies are being redefined. The following panel of experts will highlight key trends driving industry transformation, such as digital engineering investments and emerging technologies. Join us to explore these advancements and learn how to adapt with agility, future-proofing your organization and positioning it for long-term success.

11:35 AM
- 11:45 AM

After a day of great content, what do you do with it? ISG will provide guidance on what your next steps should be for your sourcing transformation!

11:45 AM
- 1:00 PM

Many conferences are good networking events, this session however will turn information into action. Through a moderated design thinking workshop, ISG will lead event attendees through a session where everyone can leave with actionable outputs customised to your own organisation. Using a mass customised approach, we will walk through a co-creation methodology where you will translate what you've seen, heard and experienced into something real for your organization to make real change.